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Training Required for CFPS Exam

For initial Family Peer Specialist certification, 88 hours of training in the last 5 years that spans the 5 core competencies is required. For re-certification, 44 hours are required. All training must be documented on our Training Documentation Form


For new applicants, it is advised to review this Training Documentation Example Form to understand how to record the training descriptions and learnings. For re-certification, we advise that you keep a copy of our Training Documentation Form on your computer to record descriptions and learnings from trainings as you take them.


You can get up to 16 hours of trainings in just three days by attending our Annual Conference in November. Sign up for our e-mail list to get reminders about conference registration.


Options for Trainings

Note that the National Federation of Families does not endorse any specific training provided by any of the following organizations. Trainings that meet the requirements for national certification directly relate to the family peer support work of a Family Peer Specialist. Administrative and safety trainings do not usually qualify towards the 88 hours for initial certification or the 44 hours for recertification.



Have additional questions?

Please contact us at:


Tel: (240) 403-1901

©2023 National Federation of Families


Phone: (240) 403-1901


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