Suicide and Suicide Prevention Resources
Below key organizations and information about suicide and suicide prevention are linked for you. We encourage you to explore these and to connect with your state or local National Federation of Families affiliate if you need support, information or resources or are concerned about your child, youth, or young adult. If you believe someone you love may be at risk, please contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline below.
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
AFPS is a voluntary health organization that gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education and advocacy to take action against this leading cause of death.
American Association of Suicidology
The membership of AAS includes mental health and public health professionals, researchers, suicide prevention and crisis intervention centers, school districts, crisis center volunteers, survivors of suicide loss, attempt survivors, and a variety of lay persons who have in interest in suicide prevention.
Crisis Text Line
Text from anywhere in the USA to communicate with a trained crisis counselor. Every texter is connected with a crisis counselor, a real-life human being trained to bring texters from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening and collaborative problem solving. All of Crisis Text Line's crisis counselors are volunteers, donating their time to helping people in crisis.
The Jason Foundation
The Jason Foundation, Inc. (JFI) is dedicated to the prevention of the “Silent Epidemic” of youth suicide through educational and awareness programs that equip young people, educators/youth workers and parents with the tools and resources to help identify and assist at-risk youth.
The Jed Foundation (JED)
A non-profit organization that protects emotional health and prevent suicide for our nation's teens and young adults. Transitioning into adulthood can bring big changes and intense challenges. The Jed Foundation (JED) empowers teens and young adults with the skills and support to grow into healthy, thriving adults.
Minding Your Mind
Minding Your Mind’s (MYM) primary objective is to provide mental health education to adolescents, teens and young adults, their parents, teachers and school administrators. Our goal is to reduce the stigma and destructive behaviors often associated with mental health issues.
National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
The Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance) is the nation’s public-private partnership for suicide prevention. The Action Alliance works with more than 250 national partners to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. Current priority areas include: transforming health systems, transforming communities, and changing the conversation.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States. The Lifeline is comprised of a national network of over 160 local crisis centers, combining custom local care and resources with national standards and best practices.
umttr - Your Life Matters
umttr is a community of young adults leading a movement to change the story from bullying, depression and suicide to a compassionate culture where every person matters. They work to empower schools and youth athletic organizations with funds, information, and tools.
Zero Suicide
Zero Suicide is a key concept of the 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, a priority of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance), a project of Education Development Center's Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC), and supported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The foundational belief of Zero Suicide is that suicide deaths for individuals under care within health and behavioral health systems are preventable.
SAMHSA Evidence-Based Guide: Suicide Prevention Strategies for Underserved Youth
SAMHSA has released the Suicide Prevention Strategies for Underserved Youth, an evidence-based guide that provides strategies and insights specific to at-risk groups. The guide highlights existing research, discusses barriers that hinder youth’s access to prevention and intervention services, and offers guidance on selecting, implementing, and evaluating evidence-based prevention programs. It also highlights programs that are making strides in addressing suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young people from underserved communities.