Family, Parent and Caregiver Resources
Below key organizations, web pages and information about parenting are linked for you. We encourage you to explore these and to connect with your state or local National Federation of Families affiliate if you need support, information or resources about parenting or are concerned about your child, youth or young adult.
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CDC Developmental Milestones - If you are looking for information about developmental milestones or are concerned that your child may not be reaching milestones between birth and the age of 5, we encourage you to visit this page from the CDC. Their extensive resources include checklists, videos, information about supportive programs and a milestone tracking app.
Grandfamilies offers resources including information on existing state laws and policies affecting grandparents raising grandchildren. Grandfamilies is a collaboration of Generations United, The American Bar Association and Casey Family Programs.
Generations United is a national membership organization focused solely on improving the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational collaboration, public policies, and programs. Its National Center on Grandfamilies supports grandfamilies through federal and state legislative testimony and briefings, publications, training, and technical assistance.
Child Welfare Information Gateway's listing of Kinship/Relative Care Organizations.
Moms of Tweens and Teens - Sheryl Gould has been coaching moms for more than a decade to become conscious, calmer, more connected parents. Her site offers a mix of free and low-cost training and workshops and a terrific blog. Paid members have the opportunity to join a network of parents who share their experiences and receive non-judgmental support and real-life strategies to help them with challenges parenting tweens and teens.
The Grandkin Guide, Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for Relatives Raising Children
Visit the National Institute for Mental Health's page on mental health treatment for children.
The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a method for helping challenging children become successful by awakening their inherent greatness while facilitating parenting and classroom success. It has a proven impact on children who experience challenges behaviorally, socially and academically and demonstrated effectiveness with children diagnosed with ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder and other behavioral, emotional and anxiety related symptoms.
Other Parents Like Me (OPLM) is an online parent-to-parent support community designed for parents of teens and young adults struggling with mental health challenges. If your child is struggling with anxiety, depression, substance use, or an eating disorder, remember that you are not alone. Connect with OPLM today!
Parent Toolkit is an NBC News – Education Nation production designed as a “toolkit to help you navigate your child’s journey from pre-kindergarten through high school. It is a parenting website designed to help you track and support progress at each stage.” The information it offers is credible and takes a holistic approach to child development.
Raising Children is a comprehensive site for parents from the Raising Children Network (Australia) supported by the Australian Government. Their mission is to provide information that can help parents with the day-to-day decisions of raising children. Although the content is Australian based, the articles have universal themes from pregnancy to teens – and the articles have practical tips that are backed by scientific evidence.
Sesame Street in Communities: Caring for Kids
Family members, friends, and neighbors play a huge role in caring for children. Sesame Street in Communities offers easy-to-follow tips and activities can help parents and caregivers partner to make caring for little ones exciting, educational, and safe.