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Bipolar Disorder Resources

Listed below are key organizations who specialize in Bipolar Disorder. We encourage you to explore their websites and also to connect with your state or local National Federation of Families affiliate if you need support, information or resources or are concerned that your child/youth may be experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
DBSA is a not-for-profit consumer organization with satellite organizations all over the US. It has a scientific advisory board and offers easy to understand information on bipolar disorder and depression, treatments, recovery and research trials. There is a special section devoted to family and friends. In addition, caregivers and people with bipolar disorder or depression can access discussion forums and online or face to face support groups. They also offer training courses to assist people to live well with their illness.

International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF)
This organization is dedicated to enhancing support services for those affected by bipolar disorder, encouraging helpful research and public education.  The IBPF website includes information on bipolar disorder, how to get help, treatment, educational brochures and videos, news about the latest international research and international resources. There are also forums for people with bipolar disorder and family members and there is a list of other support groups. Their E-newsletter is aimed at keeping family members up to date with bipolar news, research and events.

International Society for Bipolar Disorders
This is an international organization aimed at fostering education and research to advance the treatment of all aspects of bipolar disorders to improve quality of life for those with bipolar disorder and their family member and friends.

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