Our Mission, Vision and Values

The National Federation of Families, a national family-run organization, serves as the national voice for families whose loved ones experience mental health and/or substance use disorders during their lifetime. We:
Advocate at the national level for the inclusion of family voice in all aspects of services and supports across clinical, educational and community settings
Promote effective partnerships among families, professionals, and policymakers at the local, state, and national level
Advance the value of lived experience and the family peer workforce to support families
Collaborate with family-run and mission-aligned organizations to transform family-serving systems and health care in America
Family-serving systems that recognize the importance of family voice and embrace the full inclusion of all families.
The National Federation believes that families:
Possess unique expertise regarding the challenges that their loved ones experience
Often need support throughout the lifespan
Should not experience bias or discrimination as a result of their loved one's mental health and/or substance use disorder(s)