Welcome to the National Federation of Families!
About the Federation
Who We Are
The National Federation of Families is a national family-run organization linking more than 120 affiliates and partners focused on the issues of families whose loved ones experience mental health and/or substance use disorders during their lifetime. It was conceived in Arlington, Virginia in February, 1989 by a group of 18 people determined to make a difference in the way the system works.
Where We Come From
Members of the National Federation come from all walks of life. Mental health and substance use disorders cut across all income, educational, geographical, and religious groups. They are found among all families – single and two-parent households, birth, adoptive, kinship and foster.
What We Do
The National Federation works to develop and implement policies, legislation, funding mechanisms, and service systems that utilize the strengths of families. Its emphasis on advocacy offers families a voice in the formation of national policy, services, and supports for their loved ones.